Letter From Pastor Brent
Psalm 71:14-17
As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long—though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvellous deeds.

King David was a prolific warrior, king, ruler, shepherd, and songwriter. David penned psalms and songs that continue to guide and bless believers worldwide and, most notably, were prayers close to the heart of Jesus during His earthly ministry. It is believed that Psalm 71 is one of David's last two recorded psalms and that he would have penned them when he was well along in years.
In this Psalm, David is struggling to narrow down what to highlight as it pertains to the goodness and blessing of God that He has witnessed, not because there were too few things but because there were too many. David is overcome by the sheer volume of the evidence of God's "marvellous" and "righteous" deeds.
Although I haven't killed any giants in my life (yet), commanded the Armies of Israel, or even tended sheep in the rolling hills of Bethlehem, I can relate to the challenge of struggling with too many great things of God to recount them all!
Every year for the last ten years, I have marvelled at what God has done. His power, His goodness, His presence and His glory simply seem to increase year over year. This past ministry year not only continues that trend of increase, but by virtually every major measure, we are seeing the most impact and fruit we have ever seen. More people coming to Christ, more baptisms, more people finding recovery, more people being discipled and equipped, a greater sense of God's manifest presence and glory in our gatherings (big and small), more unity, more diversity, more people attending services, more faithfulness in giving… more, more, more. Jesus is alive, at work, and simply amazing!
This report is simply the tip of the iceberg of some of the great deeds The Lord has done and continues to do in our midst. We have much yet to do—and I am confident that even greater things are yet to come—but let us celebrate the goodness and power of God on display for us as a church during these days. It is truly wonderful.
I pray you enjoy this statistical report and that it encourages your heart and reminds you how amazing it is to follow Jesus. What a privilege we have in being His church here and now!
On a personal note, I want to say how much I love this church and how much I love getting to pastor here. The people of Kings Church are second to none, salt of the earth (which is on brand, isn't it?), and some of the most Godly, selfless, faithful, and sold-out Jesus followers you will find anywhere. It continues to be the most incredible privilege for Melanie and me to serve this great church alongside the most incredible ministry staff imaginable on a mission to see God's Kingdom come and be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Here's to all that God has done and is yet to do!
With love,

So that all people in all places embrace the life-saving power of King Jesus”.
Code of
One Church Many
"This has been the most incredible year. In our midst, we have heard and experienced some of the most outstanding stories of people turning to Jesus and being baptized. The stories are almost unbelievable! In addition to this, we have seen incredible provision as a church here. There have been miraculous healings, and a gathering of the nations including over thirteen languages and nationalities represented. Finally, this year has been marked by outstanding partnerships with other local churches; including a monthly worship night involving seven churches, across denominations, here in Charlottetown. God is on the move!"
Pastor Jonny Robertson -
"So many things have happened this year - we’ve moved into a more permanent location sharing a building with the Halifax Vineyard Church. This means we’ve been able to host city wide worship nights with other churches and worship leaders, our first ever Jingle Jam, and new consistent ministry opportunities. One of which is a Wednesday men’s night focused on helping men build strong spiritual relationships and working together on becoming strong men of faith 30+ men have come out on these nights. A year ago, none of this existed! We are just blown away by the Lord’s provision this past year!"
Pastor Seth Fancy -
"God continues to bless our online community as we see people from all over the world join us each week. Through ministries like Online Home Church, Pastor Chat, Alpha, and our various social media platforms, people are encountering God in fresh and powerful ways!"
Pastor Ron Winters -
"There has been a new and fresh intimacy with the Holy Spirit, a refreshing of His people as we have moved forward in unity with the Lord, unity within the family, and unity within the community. His Church in Charlotte County is uniting and growing in number together."
Pastor Pete Stubbs -
"Our persistent and ongoing prayer has been, “Come, Holy Spirit”. We have been awestruck repeatedly this year at the increased awareness of God’s presence in all areas of our church life. Our weekend gatherings and all of our programs have multiplied in number and in depth of relationship with God. Jesus promised that if we remain in him as he remains in us and if his word abides in us, we would bear much fruit to his father’s glory. By the grace of God, we are witnessing an increasing abundance of fruit in hundreds being saved and baptized, many being set free and healed through prayer and prophetic ministry, and a deep hunger to hear the word of the Lord. As we have watched young and old extend their hands out again and again this year inviting the Spirit’s presence, we have been overwhelmed with gratitude to God for all of the signs of his “Yes” here in the Valley as it is in heaven."
Pastor Dan Lamos -
"Wow, what an incredible year at our West Location! We've witnessed God's powerful and supernatural presence in all our ministries—kids, youth, prayer, men's and women's ministries, and Celebrate Recovery. I feel blessed to work alongside a growing volunteer team that is truly on mission. We even added a second service on Sunday mornings due to our growth. Beyond the numbers, we've seen miraculous healings, deliverance, salvations, and numerous baptisms. People are digging in and becoming true disciples of Jesus. We are so blessed to be part of this family. We say this every year, but it's true: This is just the beginning! Super excited for what God has next for our church!"
Pastor Adam Brewer
On The Word
Sermon Series
Nearness Month May - June

James July

Matthew Part 2 August - September

Ask Me About Jesus October - November

Matthew Part 2 December - January

Family Matters February

The End...? April

By The Spirit
People have received Freedom Prayer Ministry
People have been equipped in Prophetic & Supernatural Ministries
People have participated in Freedom Prayer Training Courses and Workhops
People engage in “Start with Prayer” every week

On A Mission
Attendance -
Average Midweek
Gatherings -
Decisions To
Follow Jesus -
Love The World

Meals provided to the community
Bagged lunches for schools
Pounds of food delivered to local food bank
People provided with free clothing
Hope Bags distributed (over 15K donated in food)
Operation Shoeboxes filled
Children received PJ’s and toys Christmas morning
Turkey Dinners provided for families in need at Christmas

Total Offering
Total $ Given to Outside Organizations


People completed step studies - a one year program going through the 12 Recovery Steps
People who completed Step Studies also shared their story of recovery at CR on Testimony Night
Kings Youth
Students Connected
to Kings Youth -
Average Weekly
Attendance -
Made a decision this
year to follow Jesus
Other Highlights
KC Kids

Connected to KC Kids
Average Weekly
Attendance -
Kids attended
“Making Waves Kids Camp” -
Attended Jingle Jam
Kids came Easter Sunday and
heard the resurrection story
Leader’s Praises

Kings Academy

Ministry Apprenticeship
Program Students
Lead like Kings Students
Know the Times Students
Know the Bible Students
Full time Ministry Apprenticeship Students
Intro to Bible Study Students
Life in the Spirit Students
Biblical Communication Students
Know the Bible Students
Know God Students
Lead Like Kings Students
How to Share Faith Students
Pastoral Ministry Students
216 People have participated in the Alpha Program this year